We're supporting AB-59, and we need your help passing it
May 14, 2019
2 min read
We'll keep this short. At least, we'll try to, because the Asm Appropriations Committee hearing is tomorrow.
We're supporting AB-59, which is a bill from the office of Assemblymember Ash Kalra (props!). This bill is an act to amend Section 4005 of, and to add Section 12283.5 to, the Elections Code, relating to elections.
If that legal jargon makes no sense to you, here's the simplified version: this changes how we vote.
In essence, AB-59 asks that all California Community Colleges and California State University campuses have at least one Vote Center on campus. (The University of California campuses and private universities are encouraged to participate, but are not required to do so.)
This bill would help all voters in the area, whether or not they live in California. Emphasis on all voters. Not just students.
For example, voters registered outside of the state of California can vote by mail by dropping their ballot off at the Vote Center.
Also, because Vote Centers are not assigned to individuals those who need to commute a significant distance for work can vote at a campus closer to them, instead of budgeting in extra time — which many don’t have.
Here's where you come in. This bill is to appear in front of the Asm Appropriations Committee tomorrow (Wednesday, 5/15). Whether or not this bill makes it past the committee depends on you and your support.
Whether you're an organization or just an individual advocating for higher voter turnout, you can help by sending a letter of support today.
Your vote and your voice matters — make sure it counts.
To send a letter of support to a member of the committee, click here.
To send a letter of support to Assemblymember Ash Kalra, click here.
For members of press, here is our press release.
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