March For Our Lives California Statement on Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict
Apr 20, 2021
1 min read
Today, our nation and the world breathe a deep sigh of relief. We will live more freely, sleep more soundly, and rest more easily because justice was served in Minneapolis. The jury has ruled that Black lives matter and that, in the United States, regardless of the color of your skin or the uniform you wear, no one is above the law. We are reminded that a badge is not a license to kill and that our judicial system, while still badly broken, can still deliver justice.
The mission of March For Our Lives California has been to ensure public safety and prevent the innocent loss of life through senseless violence. We continue to grieve the loss of George Floyd’s life and stand with his family during what has been a difficult year, but take solace in this just verdict. This verdict is a small step in the right direction and a turning point in our history, but our work does not stop, and we must continue the fight for justice.
The jury has done its job, but Congress and local governments across the nation must now act. It is clear that the path to peace and justice requires a revelation of our national priorities. We must prioritize Black lives and neighborhoods before prioritizing bloated police budgets. We must prioritize safe communities and public resources before prioritizing mass incarceration. For these reasons, we continue to demand the police be defunded and echo the calls of the abolitionist movement.